UC Research Repository

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The UC Research Repository collects, stores and makes available original research from postgraduate students, researchers and academics based at the University of Canterbury.



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ItemOpen Access
Teaching dance with mixed reality mirrors : comparing virtual instructors to other forms of visual feedback.
(2024) Treffer, Anna
This research aimed to assess whether a virtual instructor and visual feedback combination displayed on a Mixed Reality (MR) mirror can be used to teach a beginner a simple dance routine, replacing the traditional instructor and mirror methods. A prototype was developed using a camera and projector that displayed a digital mirror image of the participant as they learned dances, with the system able to overlay computer graphics onto the image. The camera used to capture the image and motion of the participants was a Microsoft Azure Kinect camera. Three visual feedback types were developed and used as randomized conditions in the user study based on input from expert interviews and an online survey. These were Spheres, Rubber Bands, and Arrows. Three simple dance routines were developed, motion captured, and presented in random order in the user study. During the user study participants learned the dances by following a virtual instructor in the MR mirror (present for each condition), with the MR mirror providing a different form of visual feedback for each dance. After practicing a dance three times with the feedback, participants then performed the dance in front of the MR mirror following the virtual instructor without any feedback, and the system measured the accuracy of their performance by comparing the amount of time that the user’s joints, such as shoulders and elbows, were within desired bounds for each pose. Participants filled out an AttrakDiff Questionnaire describing their experience for each form of feedback, and gave comparative opinions of the different forms of visual feedback in a final interview. The results showed that participants performed best with the Arrows feedback variant which were a directional feedback showing their depth difference, however they ranked this variant the lowest based on their own preference. The most preferred form of feedback was Spheres, which were the simplest feedback, not providing any guidance into the correct pose, but participants performed poorest with them.
ItemOpen Access
Tax justice and Indigenous sovereignty
(2023) Scobie, Matthew; Willson, Holly; Evans, Rachel; Williams, Madi
This study investigates Māori taxation or tax-like practices to explore the relationship between taxation and Indigenous self-determination in Aotearoa New Zealand. We find historical examples of customary distribution practices, harbour dues, tollways, stock grazing fees and fines and joint stock subscriptions, all practiced by Māori leadership to raise revenues and assert authority. These findings contribute to tax research by advancing an argument for tax justice that takes Indigenous sovereignty seriously.
ItemOpen Access
The impact of shared mobility on community wellbeing in two contrasting communities in Christchurch
(2023) Kingham, Simon; Fitt , Helen; Curl , Angela; Dares , Cushla; Russell , Els; Coppens , Anna; McKerchar , Christina; Conrow , Lindsey; Banwell , Karen; Berghan , James; Williman, Jonathan
ItemOpen Access
Biology of Spelungula cavernicola Forster (Gradungulidae), a New Zealand cave-dwelling spider
(1993) McLachlan, Andrew R. G.
Spelungula cavernicola, New Zealand's largest and only protected native spider, was studied for one year in caves in the Honeycomb Hill System, Oparara Valley, near Karamea, South Island. These spiders were found mainly in complete darkness within 10 or 20 m of a cave entrance, but were also present deep in the caves. The numbers of spiders recorded through the year showed little temporal variation except when juveniles emerged from egg sacs. Some short-term variation in numbers may be due to migration in and out of sites, or variable search effort, or both. Spiderling emergence from egg sacs may be seasonal,. but size class data suggest that the timing. of emergence differed between years. The hypothesis that Spelungula lives only one year_ was refuted using size-class data. All size-classes of animals were present all year, and except for newly emerged spiderlings, occurred in uniform proportions, giving evidence of overlap of generations. Two estimates of longevity from size-class data are 3 years and 5 years, which may be underestimates because adult longevity could not be estimated. A preliminary investigation of habitat selection of Spelungula was made using multiple logistic regression of 84 random cave sites. Presence of cave wetas was a significant variable, whereas, passage size, light, water, temperature, humidity, presence of other animals, and distance to cave entrance were not. The implications of these results for conservation management are discussed.
ItemOpen Access
Introduction: Indo-Pacific Security
(World Scientific Publishing, 2024) Khoo , Nicholas; Nicklin , Germana; Tan, Alex; Khoo N; Nicklin G; Tan A