class GL.Texture

The Texture class in the GL submodule provides a context-independent representation of an OpenGL texture. You can use a single Texture object with multiple GLViews and/or GLPixmaps without being concerned whether they are sharing texture spaces or not, and without having to keep track of OpenGL texture numbers.

Texture is an abstract class. To use it, you subclass it and define the do_setup method to make whatever OpenGL calls are necessary to set up the texture. Then, when you want to draw with the texture, you call the bind method to make it the current OpenGL texture. Whenever the Texture is used in a context where it has not been used before, your do_setup method will be called to create a representation of the texture appropriate to that context.

Keep in mind that any call to bind can trigger allocation of a texture number and a call to your do_setup method, and this will usually happen while you are in the middle of doing OpenGL drawing. If this would be inconvenient, you may need to "preload" the texture by calling the bind method once in each context where the texture might be used, before you start drawing.


Constructs a texture of the given type. The texture_type should be one of the OpenGL texture type constants (GL_TEXTURE_2D etc).


Makes this texture the current texture for the current context by calling glBindTexture. If this texture has not previously been used with the current context (or one with which it is sharing textures), an OpenGL texture number is allocated and do_setup is called to initialise a representation of the texture.

Returns the OpenGL texture number corresponding to this texture in the current context. May trigger allocation of a new texture and a call to do_setup(). Does not bind the texture, unless a new texture is allocated, in which case the current texture binding may be changed as a side effect.

gl_tex_image_2d(image, target = GL_TEXTURE_2D, internal_format = GL_RGBA,
        border = False, with_mipmaps = False)
Loads the currently bound texture with data from an Image. You will typically call this from your do_setup() method to load the texture data. The image size is scaled up to a power of 2 if necessary. If border is true, the image will be assumed to have a 1-pixel wide border. If with_mipmaps is true, a set of mipmaps will be generated using gluBuild2DMipmaps. Note: border and with_mipmaps cannot both be true.
Deallocates any OpenGL resources currently allocated to the Texture. If it is used again, new resources will be allocated.

Abstract methods

This method should be implemented to make the necessary OpenGL calls to initialise the texture. When this method is called, a texture number will already have been allocated and glBindTexture called to make it the current texture.